Wednesday, 15 July 2015

What is Hipster ?

                 Everyone seems to want to know who/what/where is a hipster. There’s a trend to declare that there is no real definition for what a hipster is, though the word is used loosely by just about every publication imaginable.

                In general, HIPSTER mean a person who follow the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream. 

                A hipster is an individual—one that usually fits within a certain subculture. Which subculture? It doesn’t matter. Because the definition for hipster is so very vague. Hipster can be anything and no specification. Hipster can be on music , cafe and fashion. Nowdays, hipster become increasing among teenagers .

             A hipster is someone that’s eager to learn, to see and yes even to do. Being a hipster means you’re part of a subculture. As a demographic, hipsters try to set themselves apart from culture as a whole, while simultaneously remaining within the culture. This is nothing extraordinary for a subculture, and yet there’s a certain stigma applied to the “hipster” label.

             The term, Hipster, has become used rather frequently to identify anyone that doesn’t appear mainstream. So hipsters stand out from the crowd. (Even if they fit into their stereotypical niche of standing out from the crowd.) Personally, “hipster” is just about the only label I’ve ever felt comfortable with. It’s a subculture so vague it can cover all manners of sins, and styles.



   Hipster is all about fashion that become a trend for teenagers nowdays . We decided to choose this topic because this issue will attract teenagers to drop by and read our blog . In this blog, we will post everything about hipster that can help teenagers up to date with this type of fashion and become a hipster . We know teenagers out there wanted to be hipster but not sure how to start so we create this blog to help teenagers out there follow this trend will help teenagers out there . We hope teenagers can use this blog to guide their become a hipster people .